
Este es mi blog que viaja conmigo desde hace unos cuantos años. En él comparto con vosotros pedacitos de mi. Espero que os gusten.

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2007


Hace 10 días que estoy en España, cuando llegué al aeropuerto de Barcelona no me lo podía creer, Ángel estaba allí esperándome con un ramo de flores, me dirigí a él y empecé a llorar, se me juntaron muchas emociones en ese momento, estaba en España después de haberlo pasado tan mal en Irlanda, Ángel me abrazaba, no podía creer que estuviera entre sus brazos de nuevo y aún me quedaba el reencuentro con mi familia que no sabían que había llegado. Todo fue muy emocionante, demasiado intenso incluso, no olvido la cara de mi madre cuando abrió la puerta y me vió, mi padre, mi hermano, Romina al dia siguiente... A pesar de todo, me faltan los niños, los echo mucho de menos, acabo de hablar con Alisha y ya casi ni me habla, Ben sí pq es más gran de y dice que me echa de menos. Hoy ya tienen nueva aupair, Laura, he podido hablar con ella y ya le he dicho todo lo que le tenía que decir, que no permita que abusen de ella y que tenga muy claro sus principios. La pobre lleva una hora en Irlanda y hasta dentro de unos días no conocerá a Suzanne.Ya le he dado todos mis teléfonos por cualquier cosa de la que dude o por si se siente mal en algún momento que me llame que yo la ayudaré.
Se me saltan las lágrimas al pensar en los niños, me da mucha penita que cada tres meses tengan a alguien distinto, pues eso los debe desequilibrar emocionalmente, pobrecitos mis niños.
Sabía que iba a llegar el momento en que ellos pasaran de mi pq ya no me ven a diario, pero es muy duro, sobretodo por parte de Alisha.
Pasarán muchas chicas por su vida, espero que todas les den el cariño y el amor que yo les di, pues por muy traviesos que parezcan no dejan de ser niños y unos niños muy humanos, a pesar de todo lo que viven. Siempre los llevaré en mi corazón.
HERO (Mariah Carey)
There's a hero if you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid of what you are. There's an answer if you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will melt away and then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive. So, when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and then you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you. It's a long road when you face the world alone; No one reaches out a hand for you to hold. You can find love if you search within your self and the emptiness you felt will disapear. And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive. So, when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you. Lord knows dreams are hard to follow, but don't let anyone tear them away. Hold on, there will be tomorrow, in time you'll find the way. And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive. So, when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you. That a hero lies in you. ohhh that a hero lies

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

esto es .... muy bonito

antavian dijo...

soy tu tio salvador, te pego canciones humoristicas de psicologia.

by Albert Ellis, Ph.D.

(Yale Whiffenpoof Song by Guy Scull a Harvard Man)

I cannot have all of my wishes filled
Whine, whine, whine!
I cannot have every frustration stilled
Whine, whine, whine!
Life really owes me the things that I miss,
Fate has to grant me eternal bliss!
And since I must settle for less than this
Whine, whine, whine!

(Funiculi, Funiculi by Luigi Denza)

Some think the world must have a right direction,
And so do I! And so do I!
Some think that, with the slightest imperfection,
They can't get by and so do I!
For I, I have to prove I'm superhuman,
And better far than people are!
To show I have miraculous acumen
And always rate among the Great!
Perfect, perfect rationality
Is, of course the only thing for me!
How can I ever think of being
If I must live fallibly?
Rationality must be a perfect thing for me!

(I Love You Truly by Carrie Jacobs Bond)

I love you unduly, unduly, dear!
Just like a coolie, I persevere!
when you are lazy and act like a bore,
I am so crazy, I love you more!
I love you truly, truly, dear!
Very unduly and with no cheer!
Though you're unruly and rip up my gut,
I love you trulyCfor I'm a nut!

(Alice Blue Gown by Harry Tierney)

Oh, my sweet little lousy blue mood,
Though you shake me and make me unglued,
I just never intend
To relax and unbend
I refresh on depression
And make it my friend!
I refuse to be able to choose
To stop sighing and crying the blues,
But am gladly withdrawn to
And madly hang on to
My sweet little lousy blue mood!

(The Beautiful Blue Danube by Johann Strauss, Jr.)

When I am so blue, so blue, so blue,
I sit and I stew, I stew, I stew!
I deem it so awfully horrible
That my life is rough and scarable!
Whenever my blues are verifies,
I make myself doubly terrified,
For I never choose to refuse
To be blue about my blues!

(Annie Laurie by Lady Scott)

Oh, I am just a love slob,
Who needs to have you say
That you'll be truly for me
Forever and a day!
If you won't guarantee
Forever mine to be,
I shall whine and scream and make life stormy,
And then la-ay me doon and dee!

(Rose Marie by Rudolf Friml from Rose Marie)

Oh, misery I love you!
I'm always dreaming of you!
If I should run and give you unemployment,
Then I might slyly have to try enjoyment!
Although my cares will flourish
Unless I wake and shake you free,
I always strive to keep alive and nourish
My beautiful misery!

(Beautiful Dreamer by Stephen Foster)

Beautiful hangup, why should we part
When we have shared our whole lives from the start?
We are so used to taking course,
Oh, what a crime it would be to divorce!
Beautiful hangup, don't go away!
who will befriend me if you do not stay?
though you still make me look like a jerk,
Living without you would take so much work!
Living without you would take too much work!


(The Band Played On by Charles B. Ward)

When anything slightly goes wrong with my life,
I'm depressed, depressed!
Whenever I'm stricken with chickenshit strife,
I feel most distressed!
When life isn't fated to be consecrated
I can't tolerate it at all!
When anything slightly goes wrong with my life,
I just bawl, bawl, bawl!

(Yankee Doodle)

Love me, love me, only me
Or I'll die without you!
Make your love a guarantee,
So I can never doubt you!
Love me, Love me totally
really, really try dear.
but if you demand love, too,
I'll hate you till I die, dear!
Love me, love me all the time,
Thoroughly and wholly!
Life turns into slushy slime
Less you love me solely!
Love me with great tenderness,
With no ifs or buts dear.
If you love me somewhat less,
I'll hate your goddamned guts, dear!

(Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Mine eyes have seen the glory of relationships that glow
And then falter by the wayside as love passions come and go!
I've heard of great romances where there is no slightest lull
But I am skeptical!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
People love ya till they screw ya!
If you'd cushion how they do ya,
Then don't expect they won't!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
People cheer ya then pooh-pooh ya!
If you'd soften how they screw ya,
Then don't expect they won't!

(Old Folks at Home by Stephen Foster)

Let us suppose my goddamned Mother
Filled me with pap.
I listened and I let her smother
And carry on her crap!
Let us suppose my crazy father
called me a shit.
I heard it and I let it bother
And I still do my bit!
Sure my childhood was confining
Full of lousy strokes.
Now I am still depressed and whining
Far from my goddamned folks!
Though my past was rather stinking,
I'm now free to roam.
So let me change my nutty thinking
And leave the old folks at home!

(After the Ball by Charles K. Harris)

After you make things easy
And you provide the gas;
After you squeeze and please me,
Maybe I'll move my ass!
Make my life nice and breezy,
Fill it with sassafras!
And possibly, if things are easy,
I'll move my ass!


(Dixie by Dan Emmett)

Oh, how I wish I were really put together
Smooth and fine as patent leather!
Oh, how great to be rated innately sedate!
But I'm afraid that I was fated
To be rather aberrated
Oh, how sad to be mad as my Mom and my Dad!
Oh, I wish I were not crazy! Hooray! Hooray!
I wish my mind were less inclined
To be the kind that's hazy!
I could agree to really be less crazy.
But I, alas, am just too goddamned lazy!

Song lyrics by Albert Ellis, copyright 1977-1985 by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

la traduccion automatica no queda un dia tienes tiempo, pillale el sentido o utilizalas en tus trabajos de psicologia, dicen que son muy buenas...ellis fue el inventor de la psicologia cognitiva, bueno de su corriente.


antavian dijo...

resulta que cuando la traduces no enteras de nada, porque resulta que esta en localismos folkloricos del blues, es tremendo, los localismos de las canciones del blues.....Un abrazo cristina, eres genial, escribes de maravilla, genial, genial.

Para cuando el primer libro.

antavian dijo...

Por cierto para tus trabajos para el cole, mirate esta pagina de psicologia cognitiva, esta genial, genial

Un abrazo infinito y solidario, empollona, que no paras de estudiar, todo el dia delante de los libros.

antavian dijo...

De aqui te puedes bajar libros gratis...

Anónimo dijo...

Gracias tito! Tu siempre dándome buenos consejos y ayudándome. Un beso! Tu sobrina

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